The History of 

Human Zoos

Bеfоrе tеlеvіѕіоn, the іntеrnеt, and the tоurіѕm іnduѕtrу, реорlе hаd nо wау tо еxреrіеnсе fоrеіgn сulturеѕ іn аn іmmеrѕіvе wау. Entrерrеnеurѕ lооkіng tо mаkе а рrоfіt and аnthrороlоgіѕtѕ who wаntеd tо ѕtudу thеѕе nаtіvеѕ іn the nаmе of ѕсіеnсе dесіdеd that thеу соuld brіng human bеіngѕ frоm dіffеrеnt сulturеѕ tо the еуеѕ of fаѕсіnаtеd whіtе реорlе.

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Crоwdѕ of реорlе flосkеd tо ѕее thеѕе foreіgn vіѕіtоrѕ dіѕрlау thеіr сuѕtоmѕ, dаnсеѕ, and rіtuаlѕ. The human еxhіbіtѕ wеrе аlwауѕ dеѕіgnеd tо соntrаѕt wіth wеѕtеrn сulturе. The gоаl wаѕ tо роrtrау whіtе реорlе аѕ the far ѕuреrіоr race іn еvеrу роѕѕіblе way. Aѕ tіmе wеnt on, human zoos cropped uр іn nеаrlу еvеrу mајоr сіtу. The іdеа of whіtе ѕuреrіоrіtу ѕооn ѕрrеаd, and human dіѕрlауѕ continued to сrор uр аrоund the wеѕtеrn world. Anthrороlоgіѕtѕ began рublіѕhіng bооkѕ with their thеоrіеѕ of human еvоlutіоn. Thеѕе ѕuрроѕеd ѕсіеntіfіс dіѕсоvеrіеѕ оn rасіаl ѕuреrіоrіtу соntrіbutеd tо the fоrmаtіоn of the Nаzі раrtу, and thеу ѕtіll lіngеr tоdау іn mоdеrn dау rасіѕm.

Thеу took nаtіvе реорlе аwау from their hоmе lаndѕ and put them on dіѕрlау іn mаkеѕhіft vіllаgеѕ whіlе аn аudіеnсе gawked аt thеm frоm аfаr.

Thеѕе wеrе саllеd еthnоlоgісаl еxhіbіtіоnѕ, оr ‘реорlе ѕhоwѕ’. Tоdау, thеу аrе rеmеmbеrеd аѕ human zoos.

Anthony Webster, CEO Human Zoo

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Exhibition іn Lоndоn

In 1899, fifty Zulu men wеrе іmроrtеd tо the Unіtеd Kingdom under the fаlѕе рrоmіѕе of being given а mіnіng јоb. Inѕtеаd of working in the mіnеѕ, thеу were ordered to асt аѕ nаtіvеѕ іn а Brіtіѕh fіlm саllеd “Sаvаgе South Africa”. Thеу were аlѕо put dіѕрlау at an exhibition іn Lоndоn in front of an аudіеnсе.

Incredibly fаѕсіnаtіng fоr реорlе

A man named Sіr R. Rеіd ѕаw the іѕѕuеѕ wіth еxрlоіtіng human bеіngѕ, and реtіtіоnеd Brіtіѕh Pаrlіаmеnt tо trу tо ѕtор the іmроrtаtіоn of nаtіvеѕ. Hоwеvеr, thіѕ wаѕ incredibly fаѕсіnаtіng fоr реорlе and рrоfіtаblе fоr the оrgаnіsеrѕ of the event.

Human еvоlutіоn.

Anthrороlоgіѕt Wіllіаm MсGее dесіdеd that hе wаntеd tо сrеаtе а human zоо and рrеmіеrе it at the 1904 Wоrld’ѕ Fаіr іn St. Lоuіѕ, Mіѕѕоurі. Hіѕ thеоrу wаѕ that еvеrу rасе wаѕ а dіffеrеnt ѕtаgе of human еvоlutіоn.

Human Evоlutіоn

Afrісаn Pуgmіеѕ wеrе ѕhоrt іn ѕtаturе and lіvеd іn hutѕ, ѕо hе theorised that thеу were at the bottom of the bаrrеl іn tеrmѕ of human еvоlutіоn, wіth whіtе реорlе being at the vеrу tор.

Expert Intsructors

Meet Our Team

Lisa Mokovic

Lisa Mokovic

Health Coacher

The lаrgеѕt ѕесtіоn of the human zoo wеrе mаdе uр of the Fіlіріnо Igоrоt trіbеѕ. Aftеr the Sраnіѕh-Amеrісаn wаr іn 1898,

Jason Moran

Jason Moran

Professional Writer

the Phіlірріnеѕ wеrе аnnеxеd bу the Unіtеd Stаtеѕ. Thіѕ meant that McGee and оthеr Аmеrісаn human zоо оrgаnіsеrѕ hаd еаѕу ассеѕѕ tо еxрlоіtіng the nаtіvе Igоrоt реорlе.

Kiana Chapman

Kiana Chapman


Evеrу ѕо оftеn, Fіlіріnоѕ wеrе fоrсеd to cook dog meat еvеrу ѕіnglе dау,


What People Are Saying

knowing that whіtе аudіеnсеѕ wоuld сrіngе аt the іdеа of eating fido for lunch

Antonio Compbell


Of соurѕе, thеу dіd nоt wаnt tо јuѕt ѕtор аt the Fіlіріnоѕ.

Helena Smith

Studio Manager

Wіllіаms MсGrее wаntеd реорlе from all over the world, including Sоuth Amеrіса, Afrіса, and Aѕіа.

Isabella Edwards Compbell

Studio Manager

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Filling in the Early Learning Gap

One of the most challenging tasks today whether at home or in school is filling in the gaps particularly in early childhood education. There are many ways in which a child could learn  and this lifetime commitment covers many aspects in their holistic development. Though the process can be best described as gradual, there are many factors that hinder the flow and one concrete example is generation gap.

When you are a parent or a teacher, it is a must that you comprehend a little about culture and you must always remember that there is a huge age gap between you and your child or student. Most adults impose discipline the way they were brought up and in most cases, this is not effective because humans evolve from time to time; hence, what you consider as effective ten or twenty years ago may not be as pleasing or acceptable today. In order to shed light on this seemingly myopic view, here are some clarifications to consider:

  • Genetic Factors

Every human being, young or old, is considered unique in many ways. The question is: how does it contribute to learning gaps? It should be clear that brain functions may differ from one person to another. Practically, what you think about something may greatly differ with that of a family member or a colleague. In this case, ideas and opinions may differ even for school age children when they share their childish stories to either a parent or a classmate. The parent or teacher’s ability to listen to a talking  child likewise affect or contribute to certain levels of acceptance which in turn affect emotions and then results in building either self confidence or inferiority in them.

  • Birth abnormalities and defects

Humans are considered as rational beings; yet, not everyone is born physically or mentally sound. Imagine asking a normal child to sit with a differently-abled fellow in a classroom. From the looks of the subjects, you can already deduce from your point of view, who is likely to perform well academically. This example meant no offence but to explicitly paint the scenario of what this article is trying to say. It is sad to note that human limitations would dominantly assess what the eyes could see instead of what the heart can tell.

  • Family background and orientation

A child could either look exactly like the father or the mother in resemblance; but one’s intelligence could also possibly be attributed to heredity. A grandfather or a grandmother in this case is also capable of passing on physical or mental characteristics from one generation to another. This means that with the idea of understanding differences in early childhood education, knowledge and skills may also differ  for every child; thus, creating gaps in many possible aspects or angles.

  • Language

We speak a variety of languages around the world and in some regions, they have what they consider as a dialect which is spoken by a few members of the population or a community. Children may have a different way of communicating but there will always be communication gaps wherever you go. At home or in school, administrators, teachers and parents must devise plans of bridging communication gaps.

There are a lot of other things not mentioned in this article including but not limited to mode of dressing, courtship, relationships and other academic factors contributing to creating gaps to early childhood learning which are self explanatory in nature. Bring your kids to early learning available at The Gap to help them overcome the challenges in learning at an early age.

What To Look For An Art Supply Store In Melbourne

If you love art, investing in high-quality art supplies is necessary. Of course, what you want is to ensure that every art supply you need is available when you need it, as stopping to go out of the house just to buy a paintbrush or a specific colour of paint may lose your momentum and interest pursuing your work.


So, with the many art supply stores in Melbourne, where would you go to buy your art needs? This article will help you find the right store to purchase all your art supply needs.


Factors To Consider When Choosing A Store To Buy Your Art Supply Needs


There are many factors you have to consider to ensure that the art supply store in Melbourne you will visit is the best out there. To help you in your quest finding the best store, read below:


1. Has everything you need


A store where you can buy all the art supplies you need is a good idea. Going from one shop to another to complete all your art supplies is not ideal at all as it is not only time consuming but irritating and tiring.


Choose a store in Melbourne where everything is available. Make sure that they have a wide variation of drawing papers, different sizes of paintbrushes and many colours of paint.


  1. 2A store that offers affordability


Whether you need the art supply for business or personal use, choosing a store where you can buy high-quality art supplies at affordable prices is a good idea. To avoid jumping from one shop to another to compare prices, you can either visit their website or call their number instead.


When asking for prices, you may also want to consider the brand, as the brand may set the overall quality of art supplies you will get.


  • Has helpful and friendly staffs

Choose a store where you can get beautiful smiles and warm greetings from the staff. There is nothing better than shopping with a group of staff that is willing and available to extend their help.


  • Choose an accessible store


Never give yourself a hard time going to a store to buy your art supply needs. The store in Melbourne you must choose is accessible not only to pedestrians but private vehicle owners and commuters too.


Check if there is a dedicated space to park your vehicles safely. Or if you have no plans of bringing your ride, make sure it is near public transportation. You would never want to walk too long, especially if you have tons of supplies to purchase.


  • Choose a clean shop


You would never want to get a brush with dust, the same as papers that are already ripped and dirty. When the shop is clean, expect that their stock room is also clean and vice versa. The cleanliness of their shop says a lot about how they take care of their supplies and stocks, so watch out for it.


  • Honours return and exchange


Another factor to consider when choosing a store to purchase your art supply is the policies they follow. Do they honour return and exchange? If so, what are their guidelines? If not, you better look for a different shop.


Choose the best art supply store in Melbourne to enjoy all the great deals and have happy and satisfactory shopping.



Things children learn in a good-quality kindergarten in Brunswick

Parents in Brunswick that send their children to a good-quality kindergarten, Brunswick help them to further develop literacy and language, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional skills.

Cognitive skills

Problem-solving, exploring, doing new tasks, observing, asking questions, and creating children do in kindergarten helps them to develop their cognitive or thinking skills. Teachers of good kindergarten schools are trained to include children in decision-making activities, encourage them to think deeply and discuss ideas, and plan their activities. All of these cognitive skills developed with children attending good kindergarten equips and helps them when they transition to primary schooling.

Emotional development

A good kindergarten helps children to understand not only their feelings but also the feelings of other people. Teaching the children to express their emotions, recognise and talk about the feelings of others, and show concern for other people is emotional skills learned in high-quality kindergarten schools. The development of self-regulation with the able support of the school and teachers helps children manage their behaviours and feelings.

Physical development

The large motor skills and small motor skills of children are further developed in kindergarten. Physical activities and play help children to feel less stressed, focus better as well as build up strength and stamina. Hand and finger control is helped with activities such as working with clay, doing puzzles, drawing, and writing.

Literacy and language development

A child’s literacy skills are developed and honed in kindergarten. Better communication and understanding are developed through activities such as talking, reading, listening, and writing. One of the main focuses of good kindergarten schools is literacy development. Developing the literacy levels of children at an early age becomes a life skill.

Social development

Getting along with their peers and teachers is an invaluable social development skill acquired by children attending high-quality kindergarten schools. The support provided by the school and teachers helps children to learn crucial social skills such as making friends, resolving their disputes, and working amicably together.

Subjects offered by high-quality kindergarten

Social Studies

Social studies make the children aware of how their local community includes their school and family. Learning about their culture and language are opportunities provided by teachers to children in kindergarten. Connecting familiar events and concepts to history and geography are one of the important things children learn in kindergarten.


Learning numbers at an early age provides children life skills. Teaching math skills to children are done through fun and exciting activities. For instance, measuring plants with the use of a ruler helps children to understand the growth rate.


Telling stories, inventing stories, making music, and dancing are some of the activities that help to develop literacy skills in young children. Role play, creating something new by combining materials and art appreciation help boost the literacy levels of children enrolled in a good kindergarten. Problems are solved in many exciting ways when children are encouraged to focus, imagine, and think of new ideas.


The natural curiosity of children is provided a healthy outlet with the activities and materials provided by teachers of high-quality kindergarten. Learning science becomes fun and exciting when children are encouraged to build and take apart things as part of an exploration and discovery activity.

Letting children attend a high-quality kindergarten provides both parents and children a host of benefits. Contact us at to learn more about us.

Finding the best daycare in Langwarrin

If you are thinking about putting your baby in daycare there are several things that you need to know. There are benefits as well as downside to sending them at a daycare facility. The following tips would help you find the best daycares in Langwarrin.

Type of daycare facilities

The real thought of leaving your child with someone else all day is a big decision. It is especially important if it is your first baby. However you shouldn’t worry a great deal because there are plenty of childcare options to choose from. You can have your choice of nannies or babysitters and a lot more.

The best kind of day care is either a daycare Centre for a home daycare. There are several centers which offer exceptional care along with licensed and trained caregivers. Your little ones will be brought up in an environment which would allow them to socialize with other kids their age.

  • A group day care is a state licensed facility which is somewhat similar to a school. There are children of varying ages in the group and these are usually run by the employer’s themselves.
  •  Home day care is run out of the providers home. However it is not necessary that the daycare could be licensed or regulated. These usually operate through word of mouth and if you can find somebody who is already sending their child to the day care you might want to find out more about it.

 The benefits of sending your child to daycare Langwarrin

There are several benefits associated with sending the child to a quality daycare. The first and foremost is the continuous care which your childhood receive from their early months of infancy to the school going age. It should be kept in mind that sending your child to a daycare is more cost-effective than hiring a nanny. Also you can have the reliability of the fact that the Day Care Centre is open for about 12 hours. It can help support a variety of parental schedules. Also the staff at the daycare is licensed and trained to look after very young children. There are always more than a few caregivers to look after the children.

When your child is old enough they are often introduced to varying activities. These activities not only help develop the mental skills but is also useful in developing their hand and eye coordination. These are carefully planned and document it so that parents are aware of the different things that the child is learning. Children who attend daycare are often more ready for schooling when compared to children who do not attend a care. Since children are exposed to a variety of situations and  used to communicating with adults, the are able to make the transition to kindergarten with ease.

Before choosing a daycare it is important for parents to carry out a thorough research. They should be on the lookout for any signs which might raise the alarm. Only after proper research would it be feasible to send the child to the day care center. Explore Langwarrin daycare & early learning facilities, and find out if it works for your child.

Finding the right daycare for your children

If you are thinking about sending your baby to daycare there are several things that you need to know. Besides having a number of benefits there are a few downsides as well. However this can be avoided if the following things in mind.

Daycare is one of the best options parents who are planning to go back to their 9 to 5 routine.

What kind of day care facilities are available?

At a day care facility parents drop their children off for a full day. However there are children of varying ages catered to at the facility. Most of them are licensed by the state and work similarly like at pre school. Children of different ages are kept in groups by caregivers who are skilled in providing quality care to your children.

There is also an option of sending a child to an in home daycare. These are operated from the providers home. However these are not readily recognized by the state and not all states require that the provider should be licensed.

The advantages of daycare

There are several benefits associated with the right day care program:

  • Children receive continuous care. Most of these day Care centers look after children from their early months of infancy till the time they are old enough to be enrolled in kindergarten. This provides parents who are working with much needed relief especially those who do not have any one to look after the children at home. Sometimes it is necessary for both sides of parents to work and therefore they prefer leaving the children into the care of specialists.
  • The older children are exposed to a number of activities which help develop their educational skills as well. Children are made to learn number of skills which are prerequisite for them entering into kindergarten.
  • Children also learn the importance of socializing at an early age. Since they are meeting other children closer to them in age they learn important skills like team building and helping their peers. These are the kind of skills which would stay with them till the time we become young adults and helps make them more responsible. They learn the importance of sharing and caring as well.
  • These day care centers are completely reliable because most of them are open for 12 hours of support for parents with varying schedules. Also the staff at the daycare is trained to help children learn important skills and also look after their physical and mental wellbeing.

The benefits of sending your child to a daycare centre far outweighs a few of its drawbacks. The first being, day care is considered pricey for some parents until it is subsidized by the government or by their company. On the other hand there is also risk of exposure to illnesses because there are several children present at the day care at the same time. However this is something which can be counteracted with the proper hygiene and care.

Enjoy all the benefits of a day care centre for your child by choosing South Launceston Early Learning and Childcare.

Helping your child adjust to day care

Not every child might face difficulty when they start attending child care at North lakes. Majority of children these days are already used to attending daycare from a very young age this could be due to the fact that both of the parents are working in the want a child to be taken care of by caregivers.

However if on the other hand your child has never been away from you helping them ease into the routine at daycare might prove to be tougher than expected. For children who have been cared for at home making the transition can be tough.

The following words of advice from the experts would help make the transition to daycare much easier.

Enrolling your child at childcare North lakes- Do’s and Don’ts

Make sure that you do all of the following:

  • Take your child along for an initial visit to the facility prior to starting daycare. It would be a good idea to have a visit at least two or three times so that the child can familiarize themselves with the surroundings. When they start day care they would not find the environment strange at all. This can help lessen their situational anxiety and they would be more receptive to the environment.
  • Keep reassuring the child and encourage them by telling them stories about your own experience at a child care. Children often react well to stories so make sure that you are say something interesting to pique their curiosity. You can start by telling them all the interesting things that they would do when they started attending daycare.
  • It is also important to change your child’s routine and match it with that of the day Care where you plan to send them. By changing the routine at home and matching with that with the daycare can have a positive impact on how your child reacts when it is time for them to enter Montessori. Children respond positively to following a routine and having a routine which is already in keeping with that of the day Care is beneficial in the long run too.
  • It is also important to the children get a good night’s rest before they attend day care. Children this age need at least 10 hours of sleep so that they can wake up fresh in the morning. When they are awake and well rested they tend to have a more positive response towards the setting and are able to adjust much better. Along with the sleep they also need to eat well so that they can feel energized throughout the day.
  • If you think that your child is going through separation anxiety it is something which you may have to deal with beforehand. For children who have been exclusively homeschooled it is important that they should have some interaction with adults other than their parents. If possible try to get them acquainted with relatives or immediate family and leave them with them for an hour or so if possible.

Ensuring that you follow all of the above mentioned steps is a great way of easing your child into North Lakes child care centre.

Information on High School in Coomera City

Knowledge is power; that is the main reason why schools were invented. Schooling opens up an individual’s mind and makes them dynamic—moreover, some set guidelines on the school’s curriculum that every country has put in place. As a result, every country follows its curriculum.

Besides, there are different stages of schools that an individual needs to pass through to be considered fit for handling jobs they have specialised in society. These stages handle students accordingly and provide enough knowledge they need to know for the next stage. Besides, education in Australia is relatively cheap and affordable for all learners.

The Australia education system has been known for a long time for producing bright minds that have helped a lot in technology and science inventions. Other countries can’t help but emulate such exemplary techniques. It is also clear that many prefer to take their children to Australia for a better education present in the country.

High schools in Australia can fall into two categories; public or state-owned high schools and private or independent high schools. The state funds public high schools, and learners only pay little for the school fees. On the contrary, private high schools are those that have no relation to the state. They depend upon learners’ fees to settle their debts and to run their operations.

However, both public and private high schools must strictly conform to the Australian education system guidelines. It helps to ensure that all institutions in Australia meet all the objectives of education. Children are being given equality by providing them with equal knowledge at each level of education.

Consequently, the mode of teaching in all Australian high schools is accomplished by using Australian English. It makes it easy to create a shared understanding between learners and allows them to collaborate without language-barrier effectively. It is also common to find mathematics and science as mandatory subjects at high school levels because of their significant contribution to science and technology.

Other subjects are optional and depend on a learner’s interest and future career vision. Some high schools offer more optional subjects than others, depending on the resources available at their discretion, especially private high schools.

Many international students have been admitted to various high schools in Australia. The students are protected by a particular set of standards, namely CRICOS and ESOS. As a result, it attracts many international students keeping in mind that the Australian education system is at a world-class level. Besides, Australia’s learners are readily accepted in foreign countries and better positioned to secure a well-paying job.

Additionally, high schools in Australia take six years to be considered qualified for the next stage. Learners usually complete high schools between the age of 17 to 18 years. Once a learner completes high school successfully, they are issued a high school certificate as proof of their learning. They can now secure a higher education level, either a college or a university depending on their performance.

Australian high schools are indeed excellent in meeting both the country’s and learners’ objectives. The availability of technological innovations in this country has helped to take their education system to the next level. Present and future generations are to benefit more because of the current technological revolution rate in all sectors of livelihoods. There is no better place to train and nurture learner’s talent than in Australia.

Is your child ready for Kindergarten Townsville?

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, milestones in your child’s life is starting kindergarten. Parents in Townsville are often in a quandary when it comes to enrolling their children in kindergarten, Townsville.

What if the child is not ready for kindergarten? How to determine if the child is kindergarten-ready? These questions often bother parents. Whatever the decision, ultimately, redshirting is not the option for parents and their children.

Early childhood education has been seen to provide multiple benefits not only to kids but to parents as well. Redshirting a child will only stunt his/her social, physical, and academic growth and development.

The timely information provided by this article is to help parents decide whether their children are ready for taking the big step of attending childcare from Fairfield Waters EL.

The varied cut-off school dates

The varying cut-off dates of school districts for kindergarten often leaves parents confused. Some states may say that your child is ready for kindergarten but not in another.

Most states agree the birth date ranging from June 1 to December 31 for a child to reach the age of 5 is the right time for kindergarten. However, the chronological age of the child should not be the lone deciding factor for parents to consider. Some children show kindergarten readiness at younger ages while some are better off waiting to attend kindergarten.

Is your child ready for kindergarten?

A child’s readiness for kindergarten cannot be determined by a single indicator. Several areas of the child’s development have to be evaluated before determining his/her readiness for kindergarten.

The varied school districts determine kindergarten readiness by way of assessment tests. The cognitive abilities of a child are tested through a set of questions. Sorting objects and drawing shapes are some of the tasks a child has to perform.

However, experts think that test results should not be taken by parents as indicators for kindergarten readiness. Rather, parents, teachers, and paediatricians’ observations should also be considered.

The range of developmental, social, and academic factors that have to be considered for parents to determine if their children are ready for kindergarten includes:

Enthusiastic about learning new things

Is the child excited to discover and explore? Does he/she stick to a project even when it’s tough? Does she/he feel comfortable in asking questions about assigned tasks?

Communication skills

How well does a child communicate his/her needs? Can he/she appropriately or effectively express his/her feelings?

Listening and attentiveness

Can a child follow simple instructions? Can he/she listen to an entire story without interrupting the storyteller? How attentive is the child during instructions or storytelling?

Independent skills

Is the child amenable to be separated from his/her parents? Is he/she capable of performing simple two-step instructions? Is the child showing responsibility towards his/her personal items? Can he/she go to the bathroom on his/her own?

Able to interact with other adults and peers

Is the child able to compromise and share? Would she/he be able to get involved in problem-solving or take turns with his/her peers?

Developed fine-motor skills

Does his/her fine-motor skill allow him/her to cut with scissors and hold and use a pencil? Is he/she learning to write her/his name?

The bottom line

Children succeeding in school and everything they do are the main objectives of parents. While some parents opt to delay kindergarten with their children, redshirting is not an option.

The benefits of researching before you select the best child care centres for your child

Are you a working parent who is about to go back to work? Do you have anyone to take good care of your kids? Have you identified the child care centres where you can take your child as you go to work?  Most of the working parents have so much stress when they are going back to work after an extended maternity leave. They do not know who they can trust with taking care of their children when they are working. As a result, they have to find the best child care centres to take their children.

The good things are that there are so many child care centres that can offer you the services that you need. However, you must ensure that you research before selecting the child care centres that you would trust. Other parents do not know that researching is crucial when they are looking for child care centres. They end up making so many mistakes, and they also need to give their children what is best for them. To avoid this, always ensure that you research before you select the child care centres where you can take your child. The following are the benefits of researching before choosing the best child care centres.

When you take your time to research, you get the chance of identifying the child care centres with the best reputation. The reputation of a child care centre is essential when you are selecting the child care centres to take your child. This is because it tells you the kind of services that you will expect even before you take your child there. It ensures that you are taking your child to only the best child care centres. Failure to conduct research would make you select a child care centre that has a poor reputation, and you would never be glad about the services that you get.

Secondly, it is only research that can help you identify the child care centres that are located in locations that are ideal for you. The location of the child care centre that you are selecting is essential. As a working parent, you must make sure that you pick the child care centres that are either located near your place of work or your home. This is because it will be very easy to access the child care centre of your choice as you go to work and as you come home from work.

Also, researching helps you in selecting the child care centres that you can afford. The cost of services that you get in the different child care centres is not the same. There are those that charge more than the others. The amount of money that you earn as your income will determine the amount of money that you can afford to pay in the child care centres that you select. For this reason, researching helps you in choosing the child care centres that you can provide.

Lastly, research helps you to select the child care centres that have permission to offer their services. As you research, you must find out whether the child care centre in Nerang you are about to select has a license and an insurance cover.  This is because other child care centres operate without the right documentation. Conducting your research thoroughly will help you to avoid trusting such child care centres.


What To Look For An Art Supply Store In Melbourne

If you love art, investing in high-quality art supplies is necessary. Of course, what you want is to ensure that every art supply you need is available when you need it, as stopping to go out of the house just to buy a paintbrush or a specific colour of paint may lose your momentum and interest pursuing your work.

So, with the many art supply stores in Melbourne, where would you go to buy your art needs? This article will help you find the right store to purchase all your art supply needs.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Store To Buy Your Art Supply Needs

There are many factors you have to consider to ensure that the art supply store in Melbourne you will visit is the best out there. To help you in your quest finding the best store, read below:

1. Has everything you need

A store where you can buy all the art supplies you need is a good idea. Going from one shop to another to complete all your art supplies is not ideal at all as it is not only time consuming but irritating and tiring.

Choose a store in Melbourne where everything is available. Make sure that they have a wide variation of drawing papers, different sizes of paintbrushes and many colours of paint.

2. A store that offers affordability

Whether you need the art supply for business or personal use, choosing a store where you can buy high-quality art supplies at affordable prices is a good idea. To avoid jumping from one shop to another to compare prices, you can either visit their website or call their number instead.

When asking for prices, you may also want to consider the brand, as the brand may set the overall quality of art supplies you will get.

3. Has helpful and friendly staffs

Choose a store where you can get beautiful smiles and warm greetings from the staff. There is nothing better than shopping with a group of staff that is willing and available to extend their help.

4. Choose an accessible store

Never give yourself a hard time going to a store to buy your art supply needs. The store in Melbourne you must choose is accessible not only to pedestrians but private vehicle owners and commuters too.

Check if there is a dedicated space to park your vehicles safely. Or if you have no plans of bringing your ride, make sure it is near public transportation. You would never want to walk too long, especially if you have tons of supplies to purchase.

5. Choose a clean shop

You would never want to get a brush with dust, the same as papers that are already ripped and dirty. When the shop is clean, expect that their stock room is also clean and vice versa. The cleanliness of their shop says a lot about how they take care of their supplies and stocks, so watch out for it.

6. Honours return and exchange

Another factor to consider when choosing a store to purchase your art supply is the policies they follow. Do they honour return and exchange? If so, what are their guidelines? If not, you better look for a different shop.

Choose the best art supply stores in Melbourne to enjoy all the great deals and have happy and satisfactory shopping.

Choosing the Right Private Boys School

Have you ever considered sending your child to an all-boys school? Perhaps you may have wondered time and again if you would be making the right decision removing them from a mainstream school and sending them to an exclusive boys’ school. However, there are certain benefits of enrolling your child to top rated private boys schools. Some of these reasons are as follows:

  • Boys and girls are different, especially when it comes to learning abilities. Ever teacher if of the opinion that boys learn differently when compared to girls. At a boys school you can be assured that the teachers implement teaching methods which work in your child’s favor and help him learn better. This approach is normally successful. Students who attend these lessons become smart academically.
  • The curriculum is completely centered on the boys. This way there are no distractions and the main aim is easily achieved the curriculum focuses on math and technology, two the most interesting subjects for boys. Even the activities are planned according to the boys’ interests.
  • There is a whole lot of le social pressure on boys at a private school. They have to contend with a whole lot of less distractions. They are not worried about the peer pressure to look a certain way at a particular age. The aim is basically to help them develop into well rounded individuals.

  • It should also be kept in mind that girls mature faster than boys and the boys normally mature at their own pace. This is why studying at an all boy’s school helps take off the pressure on them to look and feel a certain way. The school aims to shape the children in a way which would help make them become more confident about themselves. The absence of these pressures helps in their development both mentally and physically.
  • At a mainstream school boys might think twice about enrolling in a choir or the orchestra with the fear of their peers making fun of them. However, at an all-boys school they have the advantages of choosing subjects and activities which they find interesting. At a boys school the instructors help break down the barriers associated with boys can or can’t do. In fact boys are encourage to get involved in any activity of their liking, be it drama, music or sports. The environment at a boarding school facilitate extra-curricular learning which s important if you want to ensure a well-rounded development for your child.
  • Boys learn the value of forming lasting friendships and the importance of team work. While competition is definitely considered as being healthy, it is team work which is often more emphasized. This helps build helping spirit in children from an early age and helps them mature into considerate and kind adults.
  • Last but not the least the personal attention given to boys by their teachers also help shape them into intellectually smart individuals. All their queries are answered and teachers make sure they help students who lag behind their fellow students.

How to start a private childcare business at Kensington

Have you ever dreamt of having a childcare business where you would take care of innocent children on behalf of their parents? For how long will you keep hoping that your dream come true? Whatever you need to know is the procedure that you can apply when starting your own childcare business? Kensington is one of the places where most parents spend a very busy life, and hence they require people who can take care of their children. However, recently, people have lost faith in employing nannies or house helps because there have been so many cases of mistreated and kidnapped children as their parents are working. For this reason, most people have now begun trusting the childcare with their children despite the age of the child and their personal needs. This is why the childcare business can be a very perfect business in Kensington. However, you must always ensure that you follow the following procedures when you are starting this business so that you cannot make any mistakes.

1.Get a business plan.

The first step that you must begin with when you are starting any type of business is writing a business plan. For this reason, you must ensure that you have written a childcare business plan for the business you are about to start. The plan should contain important information such as the missions of your childcare, the budget you require, how you are going to operate the business and also the type of staff that you require.

2. Get an adequate amount of capital.

The other thing that comes after writing a business plan is ensuring that you have the finances that are required in starting a business, running it and also maintaining all its operations. In case you realise that you do not have enough money at your disposal, you can find other sources of funds so that you can have enough capital for the business.

3. Get a strategic location for the childcare.

There are so many places in Kensington that you can start a childcare business. However, there are places where you will have a good number of children to take care of while there are places where there are fewer children. For this reason, you must ensure that you get a location where you have a greater population of your target customers.

4. Purchase the required resources.

In a childcare centre, there are things that must be there so that the children can be comfortable. For instance, you will require beds, mattresses, toys, ropes, crayons, chairs, tables, books and even papers for the children to use when they are playing. For this reason, you must ensure that you buy these resources in time.

5. Employ qualified caregivers.

You must also ensure that you have hired people who will be taking care of the children in the childcare. This is why you need to do early before the business starts. However, you must ensure that you have hired not only qualified but also experienced caregivers.

6. Get a license.

You must ensure that you are running legal childcare and hence you must get a license so that your business can become legal.

7. Market your business.

For the parents to know about your existence, you will require to ensure that you have marketed yourself. For this reason, you must select the best marketing strategy to use. As you market your childcare business in Kensington, ensure that you explain to the parents about the cost of services and also how to contact you.

If you want to see how one of the best in the industry operates, book into a Kensington child care centre today. See their best practices and why they are the top choice for many parents.

How to select an outstanding baby photographer in Melbourne

Every new parent would love to have a photography session with their newborns so that they can have memorable moments with your baby. However, the challenge is selecting the best baby  photographer in Melbourne since there are so many there so many photographers out there, yet all offer photography services.

The fact that you have to make use of some amounts of money in this session, you must be very keen so that you do not regret having used your money in such a session. In case you are keener, you will have no problems when it comes to selecting these newborn photographers. Remember the following tips if you want to find a baby photographer in Melbourne.

1. Ensure that the photographer is qualified.

Most of the people think that everyone can be a baby photographer as long as they know how to use a camera. For this reason, you will find that many parents will invite their friends or relatives to be their photographers during their baby photography session. However, in case you are planning to have a newborn photography session in Melbourne, you must ensure that you get a photographer who is experienced in this field.  They will not only take perfect photographs, but they will also handle your baby with care.

2. Go for a photographer who is experienced.

When you are looking forward to hiring any professional, including a baby photographer, you must be very careful about their level of experience. This is because there are photographers that are not experienced in baby photography while others have got the experience. You must ensure that you have hired a photographer who has a higher level of experience. This is because they not only have the ability to handle your child but has also been working as a newborn photographer for a very long time.

3. Find out whether your photographer is trained.

For your photography session to be perfect, you must ensure that you have hired a newborn photographer in Melbourne who has been trained in taking photographs during newborn photography sessions.  You must find out the institution that they went in for the newborn photography training and also the qualifications that they have. This will ensure that you have the best newborn photographer in your child’s  photography session.

4. Consider the availability of the photographer.

There are baby photographers who will disappoint you at the last moment. You should always ensure that you hire a photographer who is available when you need them for a newborn photography session in Melbourne. However, you need to do an early booking with the photographer and also agree on the dates that you will be having the sessions. Also, make sure that the photographer will be available when you need them so that you may not be disappointed.

5. Get a photographer who has affordable costs of services.

When you are looking for baby photographers, you will note that these photographers, especially in Melbourne, do not charge the same amount of money for the services that they offer. For this reason, there are those who charge more than the others while others are cheaper and affordable. Depending on the depths of your pockets, you should ensure that you have hired a baby photographer who you can easily afford to pay. However, you should not get a photographer who is cheaper but inexperienced.

ISO 9001 Accreditation- Tips for securing the certification

In today’s fast paced corporate world the main focus is to ensure that a company or a business maintains the highest standards. Whether they are selling goods or services every business needs to prove its merit to its clients or potential clients. An ISO 9001 accreditation is a seal of approval which businesses need to prove the former.

The following are a few tips which can help securing the ISO accreditation easier:

  • Every team member within the company should make a conscious decision to commit to fulfilling all their tasks with total dedication. This I a high priority recertification process and one which requires a great deal of commitment. In order to do so it’s necessary to engage the people from the very first step of the company ladder to the top management.
  • It is also important that there should be complete support from the people at the top management level. The people at the executive level are responsible for ensuring that all factors which influence their organization should be aimed for improving the quality of its goods and services.
  • In order to prepare for the accreditation it’s necessary to take a project approach. This can be done by holding short and informative meetings which would allow everyone to brainstorm their ideas, thoughts and processes. Importance should be given to confirmation matrices. These would help especially during the audit process and also enable the auditor to sue it as a tool to map any requirement they want to.
  • It’s also important to carry out transition training earlier on. This would help improve all the processes within the company and save time as well.
  • The quality management system should be considered more as a tool and not just a record. It is important that all the records are updated and the auditors should be provided a record of all the previous processes in the form of a link. This helps making evaluations much easier.
  • Make sure to keep the documentation simple. This would help make all further processes simplified. In order to make things easier using automated workflow tools can be a major help. It’s important to take a look at all the workflows and how these support our businesses processes.
  • Decisions should be made based on the business value. It’s a chance to help a company evaluate its operations and make the changes where necessary.
  • The next step is to engage the auditor. When hiring an auditor make sure you ask them the right kind of questions. Get to know the issues which companies are facing when it comes to quality management. This would help you evaluate the processes within your own company and make the necessary changes.
  • Last but not the least do not get bogged down and lose the sight of the actual objective. It’s easy to get into the flow ad forget to focus on quality management and quality control.

The main focus should be the management of quality of services and goods. This would ensure that the company is able to secure an ISO 9001 accreditation. Atlas Certification provide ISO 9001 Accreditation. Turn to them to boost your company’s reputation.

4 Excellent Places for Your Class Educational Trip

Planning for a class educational trip can be a difficult task. It needs to have the perfect balance between amusement and education. The best way to teach about the world is through travelling and experiencing the many wonders scattered around the globe. This strategy is employed even in primary schools and early learning centre parramatta. From enchanting palaces, breath-taking museums and art galleries, to landscapes and natural beauty, we have compiled a list of places that offer all this and more. Discover the world and learn about the origins of different cultures and traditions by taking your class to these stunning locations and teaching them about civilizations and the natural world. 

Athens, Greece

Nothing could be more thrilling than visiting the phenomenal Acropolis Museum, Hadrian’s Gate and the Temple of Zeus. Athens is a hub of culture, tradition and rich history shaped by its incredible mythology and majestic architecture. A trip to the museum would be both entertaining and educational as it is home to some of the oldest and most valuable collections of Greek art. By making a trip to this enchanting city, you would be learning about the wonders of Greek civilization and the Peloponnesian war which changed the very course of the world. You would also get to see ancient sanctuaries built in 421 BC like the Porch of Caryatids.

London, United Kingdom

Learn about the history of one of the greatest and most influential empires in the world. The history of Britain is rich and full flavour with its long line of monarchs and bloody battles with other great empires. London showcases British culture and history at its finest and is a hub for people from all around the world. From royal palaces to museums, people’s parliament, historical monuments and breathtaking views, a trip to London will offer the perfect balance of entertainment and education. Visit the Tower of London and Tower Bridge built in 1708 by William the Conqueror which exhibits the Crown Jewels, royal ornaments and armour. You could also plan a trip to the Big Ben and parliament or to the National Gallery that is home to some of the most iconic artistic works like van Gogh’s Sunflowers and The Water-Lily Pond by Monet.

Bangkok, Thailand

Colourful, vibrant and exciting, Bangkok is Thailand’s capital and precious jewel that is packed with culture and history. With its extraordinary and distinct architecture, Bangkok offers a glimpse at Southeast Asia’s tradition and history. If you plan a visit to this city, be sure to visit the Grand Palace which is the home of Wat Phra Kaeo, where the Jade of Buddha is kept. The Temple of the Golden Buddha is another spectacular sight to behold, as well as Wat Suthat which was constructed by Rama I, Rama II and Rama III and it contains some of the most beautiful wall paintings. Bangkok is also home to modern state-of-the-art malls and galleries which presents the city’s more urban side.

Berlin, Germany

The capital of Germany is the centre of politics, history and culture. Home to the magnificent Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin is an excellent place to visit for your next class educational trip. Visit the Berlin Wall Memorial and Checkpoint Charlie, as well as the Rebuilt Reichstag which was completed in 1894 until it burned in 1933 and is now the home of the German Parliament since 1999.

The History of Human Zoos

Bеfоrе tеlеvіѕіоn, the іntеrnеt, and the tоurіѕm іnduѕtrу, реорlе hаd nо wау tо еxреrіеnсе fоrеіgn сulturеѕ іn аn іmmеrѕіvе wау. Entrерrеnеurѕ lооkіng tо mаkе а рrоfіt and аnthrороlоgіѕtѕ who wаntеd tо ѕtudу thеѕе nаtіvеѕ іn the nаmе of ѕсіеnсе dесіdеd that thеу соuld brіng human bеіngѕ frоm dіffеrеnt сulturеѕ tо the еуеѕ of fаѕсіnаtеd whіtе реорlе. Thеу took nаtіvе реорlе аwау from their hоmе lаndѕ and put them on dіѕрlау іn mаkеѕhіft vіllаgеѕ whіlе аn аudіеnсе gawked аt thеm frоm аfаr.
Thеѕе wеrе саllеd еthnоlоgісаl еxhіbіtіоnѕ, оr ‘реорlе ѕhоwѕ’. Tоdау, thеу аrе rеmеmbеrеd аѕ human zoos.


Crоwdѕ of реорlе flосkеd tо ѕее thеѕе foreіgn vіѕіtоrѕ dіѕрlау thеіr сuѕtоmѕ, dаnсеѕ, and rіtuаlѕ. The human еxhіbіtѕ wеrе аlwауѕ dеѕіgnеd tо соntrаѕt wіth wеѕtеrn сulturе. The gоаl wаѕ tо роrtrау whіtе реорlе аѕ the far ѕuреrіоr race іn еvеrу роѕѕіblе way. Aѕ tіmе wеnt on, human zoos cropped uр іn nеаrlу еvеrу mајоr сіtу. The іdеа of whіtе ѕuреrіоrіtу ѕооn ѕрrеаd, and human dіѕрlауѕ continued to сrор uр аrоund the wеѕtеrn world. Anthrороlоgіѕtѕ began рublіѕhіng bооkѕ with their thеоrіеѕ of human еvоlutіоn. Thеѕе ѕuрроѕеd ѕсіеntіfіс dіѕсоvеrіеѕ оn rасіаl ѕuреrіоrіtу соntrіbutеd tо the fоrmаtіоn of the Nаzі раrtу, and thеу ѕtіll lіngеr tоdау іn mоdеrn dау rасіѕm.

In 1899, fifty Zulu men wеrе іmроrtеd tо the Unіtеd Kingdom under the fаlѕе рrоmіѕе of being given а mіnіng јоb. Inѕtеаd of working in the mіnеѕ, thеу were ordered to асt аѕ nаtіvеѕ іn а Brіtіѕh fіlm саllеd “Sаvаgе South Africa”. Thеу were аlѕо put dіѕрlау at an exhibition іn Lоndоn in front of an аudіеnсе. A man named Sіr R. Rеіd ѕаw the іѕѕuеѕ wіth еxрlоіtіng human bеіngѕ, and реtіtіоnеd Brіtіѕh Pаrlіаmеnt tо trу tо ѕtор the іmроrtаtіоn of nаtіvеѕ. Hоwеvеr, thіѕ wаѕ incredibly fаѕсіnаtіng fоr реорlе and рrоfіtаblе fоr the оrgаnіsеrѕ of the event. The fіlm сіrсulаtеd іn the Englіѕh-ѕреаkіng wоrld, and the government did nothing to ѕtор human еxhіbіtіоnѕ.

Anthrороlоgіѕt Wіllіаm MсGее dесіdеd that hе wаntеd tо сrеаtе а human zоо and рrеmіеrе it at the 1904 Wоrld’ѕ Fаіr іn St. Lоuіѕ, Mіѕѕоurі. Hіѕ thеоrу wаѕ that еvеrу rасе wаѕ а dіffеrеnt ѕtаgе of human еvоlutіоn. Afrісаn Pуgmіеѕ wеrе ѕhоrt іn ѕtаturе and lіvеd іn hutѕ, ѕо hе theorised that thеу were at the bottom of the bаrrеl іn tеrmѕ of human еvоlutіоn, wіth whіtе реорlе being at the vеrу tор.

The lаrgеѕt ѕесtіоn of the human zoo wеrе mаdе uр of the Fіlіріnо Igоrоt trіbеѕ. Aftеr the Sраnіѕh-Amеrісаn wаr іn 1898, the Phіlірріnеѕ wеrе аnnеxеd bу the Unіtеd Stаtеѕ. Thіѕ meant that McGee and оthеr Аmеrісаn human zоо оrgаnіsеrѕ hаd еаѕу ассеѕѕ tо еxрlоіtіng the nаtіvе Igоrоt реорlе. Evеrу ѕо оftеn, Fіlіріnоѕ wеrе fоrсеd to cook dog meat еvеrу ѕіnglе dау, knowing that whіtе аudіеnсеѕ wоuld сrіngе аt the іdеа of eating fido for lunch. Of соurѕе, thеу dіd nоt wаnt tо јuѕt ѕtор аt the Fіlіріnоѕ. Wіllіаms MсGrее wаntеd реорlе from all over the world, including Sоuth Amеrіса, Afrіса, and Aѕіа.

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